Our Signature Programs
Feeding Austin Families
You can’t build a strong community on an empty stomach.
We know that food insecurity isn’t an issue of charity, its an issue of justice. The hunger we face in our communities results from an inability to meet nutritional needs with available resources.
At Saffron Trust, we believe you should eat better, not less.
We promote dignity through eating and nutritional care by providing Austin Families with FREE fresh meals prepared by a few of our local chefs.
For more information see this.
We are now serving 8000 meals per month at our food site.
Groundwater Workshops
WE NEED YOU. The Austin Police Department (APD) is hosting a series of workshops for a reimagined cadet academy and overall policing model to address institutional racism.
We need community members directly influenced by policing-related issues to share their stories and constructive feedback.